Ruby Basics
Coming Soon...
Ruby Enumerables
Coming Soon...
Ruby Hashes, Arrays, Strings, Integers
Coming Soon...
JavaScript Objects
Coming Soon...
JavaScript Prototypes
Coming Soon...
Looping in Ruby and JavaScript (comparisons)
Coming Soon...
HTML Basics
Basic HTML structure:
Ordered and Unordered Lists:
Anchor Tags:
Display Images:
Classes and ID's:
Link to external stylesheet:
Div's and HTML5 Semantic Elements:
CSS Basics
Basic CSS Syntax:
Style Individual Elements:
Pseudo Selectors:
Block to Inline:
Box Model:
CSS Positioning
Coming Soon...
GIT Basics
Create a new local repository:
Create a copy of a local repository:
Add specific file to staging:
Add all files to staging:
Preview changes being added to staging:
Check status:
Commit changes:
Push changes to origin:
Fetch changes from origin:
SQL Basics
Basic select statement:
Sort data:
Select specific columns and filter results:
Join tables: