It Begins
I had watched this video just after getting accepted to DBC in the beginning of July and found this message to be so inspiring. Watching it a second time, my impression is the same. Wow.
After weeks of self study, in solitude and without structure, week 1 of phase 0 has finally arrived! I cannot express how excited I am to be on this journey. The philosophy and approach of Dev Bootcamp has completely changed the way I think about education.
I have never been overly enthusiastic about school. It's been a long while since high school and college but I always felt classes were something to finish, period. I was never personally invested in the experience so the difference between passing and excelling seemed irrelevant. Jobs were different. I was able to commit myself to work with passion, but school? Something to graduate.
Even though the program has just started, the influence of DBC has been hugely inspirational. Maybe it's the risk we are all taking to be part of something described as life changing that makes DBC different. Fear is a powerful motivator and leaving a good job at a good company sure has a way of focusing my study efforts. But I think it's more than that. This is a program for people who currently lack the technical skills but have something more important; Passion. We are told DBC is there to support us but the learning comes from ourselves. We have ownership over this experience and we are responsible for changing our own lives.